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The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is an important component of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) . Under the LCFF all educational institutions are required to develop, adopt, and regularly update a three-year LCAP describing how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils. The LCAP is also required to measure progress for student subgroups across multiple performance indicators, including academic achievement, school environment, access to a broad curriculum, and parent engagement. School districts and charter schools are required to obtain parent and public input in developing, revising and updating LCAPs.
The LCAP goals are aligned to the overall needs and expectations of the district and existing plans. Due to close to 79% of our students qualifying as unduplicated Foster Youth, EL and low-income students, all of our goals listed in this LCAP are intended to serve all Bayshore students with the exception of focused services for our English Learners.
Working closely with stakeholders throughout the district, we have decided to continue with our previous three goals for 2021-2024 LCAP as well as add a fourth (4th) goal specifically addressing Reading Proficiency Levels.
Our goals are the following types:
  • Broad Goals: Goal 1 and Goal 2
  • Focus Goal: Goal 3
  • Maintenance of Progress Goal: Goal 4
The four (4) goals of the LCAP are:
  • Goal 1 (BG). School Connectedness has 13 Actions/Services and addresses Priorities: 3, 5, 6, and 8.
    • Provide a healthy and positive school culture where all students experience a supportive learning environment and opportunities that help them learn and thrive in a safe and engaging environment. 
  • Goal 2 (BG). Academics has 12 Actions/Services and addresses Priorities: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8.
    • Increase the academic achievement of all students while closing the opportunity and achievement gaps within our student groups.
  • Goal 3 (FG). Reading has 4 Actions/Services and addresses Priorities: 2, 4, and 8.
    • By 2024, 75% of our students will be reading at grade level as measured on F&P, iReady, and SBAC.
  • Goal 4 (MPG). Basic Services has 2 Actions/Services and addresses Priorities: 1 and 5.
    • Provide resources and a physical environment that promote meaningful teaching and learning.