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Student Services

The Student Services department at the The Bayshore School is here to support students with unique and specialized needs, as well as to support the overall emotional well-being of all Bayshore students. Areas overseen by Student Services include:
  • English Learners
    • Students who have been assessed as not proficient in the English Language, and, as a result, must receive instruction in English Language Development (ELD) to build their English language skills
  • Special Education
    • Students who are qualified for special education services and have an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
  • 504 Plans
    • Students who have an identified disability and require accommodations and supports through a 504 plan
  • Individualized Service Plans (ISP’s)
    • Students who are qualified for special education services but attend a private school and would benefit from the limited support provided through an ISP
  • Student Success Teams (SST’s)
    • Serving the needs of students who are struggling or under-performing in school, have not responded to classroom interventions, and have been referred for an SST (includes the parents/caregivers) to meet and develop an individualized intervention plan
  • School Connectedness and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
    • Monitoring and assessment of the school climate and social emotional well-being of our students, as well as guiding the implementation of evidence-based instruction and practices aimed at meeting our School Connectedness goal:
      • Provide a healthy and positive school culture where all students experience supportive learning environments and opportunities that help them learn and thrive in a safe and engaging environment.
  • Mental Health Services
    • Bayshore provides two tiers of mental health services:
      • Non-intensive individual and group counseling available to students who have short-term or non-intensive mental health needs, and have not been determined to be qualified for more intensive mental health services through an IEP
      • Education Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) available to students who have an IEP and through assessment have been determined to be qualified for ERMHS services such as:
        • Individual counseling;
        • Group counseling; and/or
        • Parent counseling
    • Bayshore follows the San Mateo County Office of Education Safe and Supportive Schools Framework utilizing resources around Suicide Prevention and Response
  • School Safety
    • Bayshore follows the San Mateo County Office of Education Big Five Protocols which include :
      • Shelter in Place
      • Drop, Cover, and Hold On
      • Secure Campus
      • Lockdown/Barricade
      • Evacuation
    • You can access the Big Five Protocols HERE.