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The Baylands Development

The Baylands Development

The Baylands is a planned development in Brisbane. It will include 7 million square feet of commercial space with new research and development labs, and 2,200 new residences. This Bayland property is placed within the Bayshore Elementary School District and the Jefferson Union High School District attendance areas. 
The Superintendents from Bayshore and JUHSD have met with the developer, Universal Paragon, to discuss how to meet the needs of the growing student population. We are envisioning a school that serves students in grades six through twelve. Based on UPC's estimated allocation of 11 acres for a school, the estimated attendance will be 250 middle and 250 high school students. This number can be increased if the amount of land allocated is increased. The school will be open to residents from all three school districts of Bayshore, Brisbane, and JUHSD. 
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we doing this? 
We are committed to building a high school to serve JUHSD students in Baylands, Bayshore, and Brisbane.
Who will have access to the school?
All students in the school districts will be eligible to enroll. Priority will be given to students from Baylands, Bayshore, and Brisbane proper.
Why Now? 
It is important to keep in mind that we are not considering opening a new school today. We are planning for the future ten to twenty years from now. The Baylands development will bring 2,200 new residences. There are also going to be additional new developments in this vicinity including the Cow Palace and Midway Village. Both JUHSD and Bayshore will need new schools to accommodate this population influx. 
What is the Cost? 
We are waiting for direction from the City of Brisbane in order to determine both the capacity of the school and the cost of development.
What would a new school look like? 
In partnership with the Jefferson Union High School District, we are envisioning a 6-12th grade school. Bayshore Elementary will be converted to a PK to 5 school and will accept all of the Baylands residents, including students from Brisbane.
How are the City of Brisbane and Brisbane Elementary School District involved in the planning and decision making?
The City of Brisbane is negotiating directly with the Baylands Development Company, the developer who owns the land. The City of Brisbane and the Superintendent of Brisbane Elementary School District have joined the Superintendents from Bayshore and JUHSD to discuss the development. The City of Brisbane provided the estimated increase in students.
Who determines the size of the school?
The City of Brisbane negotiates community benefits with the developer, including the amount of land that is reserved to build a school. This directly impacts the size of the school.
Where can I find more information about the development?
Full details about the planned development are available online HERE.