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Board Goals & Action Plan

  1. Equity & Access through High-Quality Teaching & Learning: Assure every student has access to equity driven and culturally relevant instruction, and multiple activities and enrichment experiences that appropriately challenges all students to ensure core content mastery and maximizes each student's opportunity to be engaged, educated, and empowered to the highest levels.

  2. Wellness & Safety: Provide a healthy and positive school culture where the social, emotional, and physical health needs of students and staff are met to cultivate a positive environment which promotes high levels of connection, engagement, and overall well-being throughout the school community.

  3. Communication & Connection: Ensure an open communication process between the Board and all stakeholders while promoting high levels of connection between the board, community, stakeholders, and students.

  4. Financial Stability: Ensure the district is financially stable through responsible expenditures and increasing revenue through fundraising efforts to support the educational success of every student.